תוספי אומגה 3 מחומצנים באוסטרליה ינואר 2019

1Oxidation levels of North America n over-the-counter n-3 (omega-3) supplements and the influence of supplement formulation and delivery form on evaluating oxidative safety Stefan A. Jackowski1,2*, Azhar Z. Alvi2, Abdur Mirajkar2, Zahabia Imani2, Yuliya Gamalevych2, Nisar A. Shaikh3 and George Jackowski2 1 University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada 2 Pivotal Therapeutics Inc., Woodbridge , ON, Ca nada 3University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada (Received 2 June 2015 – Final revision received 23 July 2015 – Accepted 5 August 2015) Journal of Nutritional Science (2015), vol. 4, e30, page 1 of 10 doi:10.1017/jns.2015.21
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the oxidation status of North American n-3 (omega-3) PUFA nutritional supplements commercially available in Canada and evaluate the influence of product formulation and delivery form on oxidative safety. A total of 171 North American over-the-counter n-3 PUFA nutritional supplements were analysed for oxidation safety. Primary and secondary oxidation and total oxidation (TOTOX) were determined using the American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS) procedures. Comparisons between supplements’ final forms, oil source and n-3 PUFA concentration quartiles, as measures of product formulations and delivery forms, were compared using ANOVA. Of the products successfully tested, 50 % exceeded the voluntary recommended levels for markers of oxidation. Another 18 % of products were approaching the limits with 1–3 years before expiration. Encapsulated products without flavour additives had significantly lower secondary and TOTOX levels than bulk oils and flavoured products (P < 0 ·05). Children’s products had significantly higher primary, secondary and TOTOX levels compared with all other products (P < 0 ·05). Markers of oxidation did not differ between oil sources (P > 0 ·05), with the exception of krill oil products having higher secondary oxidation levels than plant-based products (P > 0 ·05). Markers of oxidation did not differ between n-3 PUFA supplement concentration quartiles. Consumers may be at risk of exposure to higher levels of oxidative products. New regulatory mandates need to be introduced to ensure that all n-3 PUFA products, used as nutritional supplements, regardless of their formulation or delivery form, can be tested for oxidative safety and compliance.
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n‑3 PUFA Esterified to Glycerol or as Ethyl Esters Reduce Non‑Fasting Plasma Triacylglycerol in Subjects with Hypertriglyceridemia: A Randomized Trial
Anne Hedengran • Pal B. Szecsi • Jørn Dyerberg • William S. Harris • Steen Stender
Received: 25 August 2014 / Accepted: 31 October 2014
© AOCS 2014
Long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) has been investigated solely in fasting and postprandial subjects. However, non-fasting triacylglycerols are more strongly associated with risk of cardiovascular disease. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of long-chain n-3 PUFA on non-fasting triacylglycerol levels and to compare the effects of n-3 PUFA formulated as acyl glycerol (AGPUFA) or ethyl esters (EE-PUFA). The study was a double blinded randomized placebo-controlled interventional trial, and included 120 subjects with non-fasting plasma triacylglycerol levels of 1.7–5.65 mmol/L (150–500 mg/dL). The participants received approximately 3 g/day of AG-PUFA, EE-PUFA, or placebo for a period of eight weeks. The levels of non-fasting plasma triacylglycerols decreased 28 % in the AG-PUFA group and 22 % in the EE-PUFA group (P < 0.001 vs. placebo), with no significant difference between the two groups. The triacylglycerol lowering effect was evident after four weeks, and was inversely correlated with the omega-3 index (EPA + DHA content in erythrocyte membranes). The omega-3 index increased 63.2 % in the AG-PUFA group and 58.5 % in the EE-PUFA group (P < 0.001). Overall, the heart rate in the AG-PUFA group decreased by three beats per minute (P = 0.045). High density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol increased in the AG-PUFA group (P < 0.001). Neither total nor non-HDL cholesterol changed in any group. Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (LpPLA2) decreased in the EE-PUFA group (P = 0.001). No serious adverse events were observed. Supplementation with long-chain n-3 PUFA lowered non-fasting triacylglycerol levels, suggestive of a reduction in cardiovascular risk. Regardless of the different effects on heart rate, HDL, and LpPLA2 that were observed, compared to placebo, AG-PUFA, and EE-PUFA are equally effective in reducing non-fasting triacylglycerol levels.
מה שחשוב במוצר אומגה 3 הוא כמות החומר הפעיל (EPA ו-DHA), אלו שתי חומצות השומן שבשבילן אתם קונים את המוצר. השוואת המחירים צריכה להיות עבור מחיר לגרם חומר פעיל (בניגוד למחיר לגרם שמן).
איך מחשבים מחיר של גרם חומר פעיל? 1. סוכמים את כמות הגרמים של חומר פעיל בכל כמוסה (EPA+DHA) 2. מכפילים את הסכום בכמות הכמוסות בקופסה 3. מחלקים את מחיר הקופסה בכמות החומר הפעיל בקופסה 4. משווים בין מוצרים על בסיס עלות ל-1 גרם חומר פעיל לדוגמה- כך תחשבו מחיר של גרם חומר פעיל במוצר של אומגה 3 גליל: 1. בכל כמוסה: 200 מ"ג DHA ו-400 מ"ג EPA = סה"כ 600 מ"ג חומר פעיל, שהם 0.6 גרם חומר פעיל. 2. בכל קופסה יש 200 כמוסות: 200X0.6=120 גרם חומר פעיל בקופסה. 3. מחיר הקופסה 190 ש"ח: 1.58=190:120 ש"ח לגרם חומר פעיל. ניתן לבצע חישוב זהה עבור המחירים המשתנים לכמות בתוספת דמי משלוח. לרשימת המחירים המלאה. יתכן ותמצאו מוצרים זולים יותר ובוודאי שתמצאו מוצר במחירים יקרים יותר. זכרו שמעבר למחיר ישנם פרמטרים חשובים נוספים.