דגשים של גיא: המחקר משתמש במגוון הגדרות לתתי קבוצות בספקטרום של ADHD. על מנת לפשט את המסקנות ניתן לאמר שלא רק שמחסור באומגה 3 גורם לחוסר קשב וריכוז, אלא שתסמיני משנה המופיעים אצל תתי אולכוסיות של ADHD כמו חוסר ויסות רגשי, רגזנות, עצבנות ואי קבלת סמכות גם הן נגרמות לפחות באופן חלקי ממחסור באומגה 3 ועודף אומגה 6.
Omega-3 fatty acids are related to abnormal emotion processing in adolescent boys with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Rachel V.Gow, AlexanderSumich, FredericVallee-Tourangeau, Michael Angus Crawford, Kebreab Ghebremeskel, Allain A.Bueno, Joseph R.Hibbeln, Eric Taylor, Daniel A.Wilson, Katya Rubia
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, King`s College London, United Kingdom Division of Psychology, School of Social Sciences, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom Department of Psychology, Kingston University, United Kingdom Division of Reproductive Physiology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Imperial College London, United Kingdom Lipidomics and Nutrition Research Centre, London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom Institute of Science and the Environment, University of Worcester, United Kingdom National Instituteon Alcohol Abuseand Alcoholism, Rockville, MD20852, USA
Background: In addition to the core symptoms, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) is associated with poor emotion regulation. There is some evidence that children and young adults with ADHD have lower omega-3 levels and that supplementation withomega-3 can improve both ADHD and affective symptoms. We therefore investigated differences between ADHD and non-ADHD children in omega-3/6 fatty acid plasma levels and the relationship between those indices and emotion-elicited event-related potentials(ERPs).
Methods: Children/adolescents with (n=31) and without ADHD (n=32) were compared in their plasma omega-3/6 indices and corresponding ERPs during an emotion processing task.
Results: Children with ADHD had lower mean omega-3/6 and ERP abnormalities in emotion processing, independent of emotional valence relative to control children. ERP abnormalities were significantly associated with lower omega-3 levels in the ADHD group.
Conclusions: The findings reveal for the first time that lower omega-3 fatty acids are associated with impaired emotion processing in ADHD children.
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